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Secret Reunion

Secret Reunion
  • English:Secret Reunion
  • Korean: 의형제
  • Release Date: 2010/02/04
  • Duration: 116分
brother-in-law (Korean: 의형제) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2010-02-04. The running time is 116 minutes.
A 2010 winter hit starring Song Kang Ho & Kang Dong Won.
A mysterious gunfight occurred in the middle of Seoul. Two men I met here: Han-gyu, a National Intelligence Service agent, and Ji-won, a South Korean operative.
. Han-gyu, who was responsible for the failed operation, quits the National Intelligence Service, and Ji-won is labeled a traitor and exiled to the North.
Six years later, the two men who thought they were enemies lie about each other's identities and pursue their own goals.
Therefore, we will meet face to face. As time passes, the two of them come to understand each other as friends and as men. One day, Ji-won receives an order from the north just like that day six years ago. hangyu and jiwoo
Von ends up making a choice that will cost his life... . The Korean movie ``Stepbrothers'' is a story about two people who are abandoned by their respective organizations and share brotherly love. The leading actor is one of Korea's leading actors.
Song Kang Ho and talented handsome actor Kang Dong Won.
