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White Night

White Night
  • English:White Night
  • Korean: 백야행 : 하얀 어둠 속을 걷다
  • Release Date: 2009/11/19
  • Duration: 135分
White Night: Walking in the White Darkness (Korean: 하얀 어둠 속을 걷다) is a movie.
The Korean release date is 2009-11-19. The running time is 135 minutes. A mystery movie based on a Japanese novel starring Song Yejin and Ko Soo.
A man is brutally murdered shortly after being released from prison. The investigation team discovered that this case was related to a murder that occurred 14 years ago, and the detective in charge at the time
Visit Han Suk Kyu. Dong-soo instinctively realizes that the victim's son Yohan (Ko Soo) is involved. Meanwhile, Siyo, the secretary general of chaebol boss Park SungWoong,
Ng (Lee MIN JEONG) investigates Seung Jo's fiancée, Miho (Song YEJIN). Everything about Miho was perfect, but she had an unexpected past... .
The Korean movie ``White Night Journey'' is based on the original work by Keigo Higashino, a popular Japanese author. Starring Song Yejin, Ko Soo, and Han Suk Kyu. 2006 in Japan
It was made into a TV series starring Takayuki Yamada and Haruka Ayase from January to March 2017.
