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Baby and I

Baby and I
  • English:Baby and I
  • Korean: 아기와 나
  • Release Date: 2008/08/14
  • Duration: 96分
baby and me (Korean: 아기와 나) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2008-08-14. The running time is 96 minutes.
A hot topic collection of Marcos Benjamin Lee's Medieval Movie about new dad Jang Keun Suk and super child actor Moon Mason.
One day, Han Jun Su (Xia)'s (Jang Keun Suk) parents, who are free-spirited and fearless, have a hard time dealing with Han Jun Su (Xia) (Jang Keun Suk), who is a completely important man, and suddenly disappears. Parents' sudden runaway
Jun Su (Xia)'s panic was short-lived when a baby appeared in front of her. His name is Han Woo-ram (Moon Mason). Holding a 13-month-old boy named Ulam, who was Jun Su (Xia)'s son, he was unexpectedly surprised.
Jun Su (Xia) has become a father of one child. She thinks about sending Uram to an orphanage, but in the end, she ends up raising him while he starts going to school... .
The Korean movie ``Baby and Me'' is a heartwarming story about a high school student struggling to raise a child while being confused by the sudden appearance of a ``son.''
A warming story. Jang Keun Suk, a handsome actor who is very popular in Japan, plays the main character who suddenly becomes the father of a child without remembering anything about it. Full of love hidden behind a cheeky smile
He shows off his fatherly side without hesitation. Also, child actor Moon Mason made her modeling debut at the age of 10 months and finally made her screen debut. Many co-stars were surprised
Attention is also being paid to the acting ability of a boy who is only 1 year old.
