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Voice of a Murderer

Voice of a Murderer
  • English:Voice of a Murderer
  • Korean: 그놈 목소리
  • Release Date: 2007/02/01
  • Duration: 122分
That guy's voice (Korean: 그놈 목소리) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2007-02-01. The running time is 122 minutes.
Kang Dong Won appears as a voice! A movie based on an actual kidnapping incident.
The film depicts the 44 days that parents suffered through threatening phone calls after their young child was taken away by a kidnapper.
there was. . The Korean movie ``His Voice'' is based on a real kidnapping case. In the 1991 Lee Hyun-ho kidnapping incident, the body of which was eventually discovered in the drainage canal of the Han River, the culprit was never arrested.
The statute of limitations has now expired in January 2006. The talented actress Kim Nam Ju, who made a comeback after five years, plays the role of the mother. It also became a Hot Topic because Kang Dong Won appeared as the voice of the criminal.
