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Never to Lose

Never to Lose
  • English:Never to Lose
  • Korean: 강력3반
  • Release Date: 2005/09/29
  • Duration: 111分
Strong class 3 (Korean: 강력3반) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2005-09-29. The running time is 111 minutes.
An action TV series that realistically depicts the human side of detectives who take on violent crimes.
Rookie detective Kim Hong-joo (Kim Min Jun) has a natural talent for discerning whether a criminal is a criminal in three seconds, but he is erratic and anxious.
Tired of his regular life, he was always looking for an opportunity to quit. The 3 powerful teams he belongs to are full of unique individuals. One day, Hong-joo skips the stakeout investigation and goes to his girlfriend's class reunion.
And I smell a crime. Apparently, an international drug organization is behind the incident. The detectives of the <3 Powerful Units> ignored the persuasion of those around them to leave it to the International Police Organization.
Untie it and start investigating. In order to get rid of the eternal stigma... . The original title of the Korean movie ``I Will Arrest You'' is ``3 Powerful Units''. Kim Min Ju attracted attention through the TV series “The Sword of Chaeok”
This is Ng's first leading role in a movie. He passionately portrays the growth of a novice detective. Co-stars include Heo Junho from ``Silmido'' and Jang Han Sung from ``Cal'', both talented actors. A new hit in 2005
A sensational action movie.
