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A Family

A Family
  • English:A Family
  • Korean: 가족
  • Release Date: 2004/09/03
  • Duration: 94分
family (Korean: 가족) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2004-09-03. The running time is 94 minutes. Popular actress Sue's movie debut! Inspiring human parent and child
TV Series. Jeong-eun (Soo-ae) is a woman who has left the prison after completing her three-year sentence. When she returned home after deciding to work at a beauty salon, her younger brother, who was a little older than her and didn't know anything about the situation, greeted her with a smile. But former police officer
No kind words came out of my father's mouth. Jeong-eun blames his father for his mother's death, and his strict father. It seemed like the rift between the two was only getting deeper. And then, our former friendship begins to show itself.
Between. At the same time, Jung-eun learns that his father is suffering from an illness. . The Korean movie "Family" stars actress Soo Ae, who is attracting attention from "Summer Story", and Kwon Sang Woo from "Youth Manga".
Actors from Hot Topic, including genius child actor Paek Ji Bin, who co-starred with ``To My Friend,'' and talented actor Ju Hyun, who starred in ``To My Friend,'' will appear. It will be released in Japan at the end of 2006. ``Brotherhood'' ``Silmid'' ``All
While masculine works such as ``Do Boy'' became hits, this film attracted 2 million viewers, starring an actress named Sue Ae, who was appearing in her first movie. Many people in the audience were moved to tears by the depth of the love between parent and child.
