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  • English:Marathon
  • Korean: 말아톤
  • Release Date: 2005/01/27
  • Duration: 117分
Marathon (Korean: 말아톤) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2005-01-27. The running time is 117 minutes.
A blockbuster hit that attracted over 5 million viewers in Korea! .
Cho-won, a 20-year-old young man, has autism and has the intelligence of a 5-year-old child. Social life is difficult, mother Kyungsoo
Ku was always taking care of him. Meanwhile, Kyung-sook notices that his son seems to be having fun while he is running.
Kyung-sook wants to challenge him to a full marathon, so he asks Jung Woo-k, who was once known as a great runner, to coach him. However, seeing his mother's enthusiasm, he says, “Chowon and Mara.
Isn't it the mother's ``ego'' that makes her do this?'' . ``Marathon'' is a super hot topic work based on a true story. A story about the bond between a mother, son, and the people around them. Not too heavy, bring happiness to your tears
A refreshing sensation that you can almost feel. Miraculous events are transmitted through the screen, giving hope and excitement to those who watch them.
