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  • English:Tube
  • Korean: 튜브
  • Release Date: 2003/06/05
  • Duration: 116 分
A tube (Korean: 튜브) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2003-06-05. The running time is 116 minutes. Subway explosion teaser! A battle of battle between vehicles running out of control.
A big city, Seoul. The Seoul subway, which is crowded during rush hour, is suddenly hijacked! The culprit is a former agent of the national secret intelligence agency. He swore revenge on the Korean government and humanized all Seoul citizens.
As a pawn, he made reckless demands. A detective sneaks into a vehicle to stop the criminal. Long ago, his lover was killed by a former agent. In addition, In-kyung (Bae), a female pickpocket who is in love with a detective,
・Duna) was also riding in the vehicle... . This is a huge action film that took five years to complete by director Baek Eun-hak, who was the screenwriter and assistant director for ``Shuri''. Just before release in the home country
, a controversial work whose theatrical release was suddenly postponed due to a major arson attack on the subway in Daegu. ``TUBE'', which can be said to be the ``Korean version of speed'', is actually located in Gimpo Country.
The photo was reportedly taken with the airport closed. It's a masterpiece that you can't take your eyes off of even for a moment.
