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Dance with the Wind

Dance with the Wind
  • English:Dance with the Wind
  • Korean: 바람의 전설
  • Release Date: 2004/04/09
  • Duration: 132分
Legend of the Wind (Korean: 바람의 전설) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2004-04-09. The running time is 132 minutes.
A brilliant love story between a man and a woman who meet at a dance. Park Poong-sik (Lee Sung-ji) is an office worker in his 30s who finds every day boring.
e). She started ballroom dancing through the introduction of her high school friend, Man-soo, who she met by chance at a food stall. Through the steps, he learned the true meaning of dance, and his life regained vitality. So
Poong-sik then embarks on a long journey to become a first-class dancer. After completing five years of training, Poong-shik returns home as a first-class dancer. Meanwhile, a female police officer is assigned to a case involving ballroom dancing.
, Yong Hwa (Park Sul Mi). As she investigates Poong-shik, she becomes addicted to his humanity and life, but... Depicting the meaning of dance and the passion of dancers, using authentic ballroom dance as material
The movie I did. The scene where Park Sul Mi dances to Christmas carols at a crosswalk is impressive.
