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  • Hangul: 우주소녀

WJSN (Korean: 우주소녀) is a talent and singer. The genre of music is dance. SISTAR's younger sister girl group debuts! .
Debuted on February 25, 2016. Zodiac sign: Pisces. Korean management office: STARSHIP Entertainment, YUEHUA
Entertainment. 2016. Representative works: 2016 "MoMoMo", "Secret" 2017 "I Wish", "HAPPY", "KISS ME"
2018 "Dreams Come True", "SAVE ME, SAVE YOU" 2019 "Boogie Up", "As You Wish"
2020 "BUTTERFLY" 2021 "UNNATURAL", "Let Me In" 2022 "Last Sequence".
The Korean group "WJSN (WJSN/Cosmic Girls)" is an entertainment business that is familiar with the Korean and Chinese entertainment markets.
The first collaborative project between Tokoro STARSHIP Entertainment and YUEHUA Entertainment. Girls consisting of 12 members including Korean and Chinese members
is a group. An entertainment agency familiar with the Korean and Chinese entertainment markets hits it off. All members are selected considering their star quality that can cover the outside of Asia beyond Korea and China.
They have excellent skills in their specialized fields such as vocals, dance, and acting. Sora (SEOLA) = Date of birth: December 24, 1994 Height: 165cm
EXY = Date of birth: November 6, 1995, Height: 166cm Bona (BONA) = Date of birth: August 19, 1995, Height: 163cm
CHENG XIAO = Date of birth: July 5, 1998 Height: 167cm Eunseo (EUNSEO) = Date of birth: May 27, 1998 Height: 167cm
DAYOUNG = Date of birth: May 14, 1999 Height: 161cm DAWON = Date of birth: April 16, 1997 Height: 167cm
Subin = Date of birth: September 14, 1996 Height: 159cm Soni (XUAN)
YI) = Date of Birth: January 26, 1995 Height: 166cm
YEOREUM = Date of birth: January 10, 1999 Height: 161cm Migi (MEI)
QI) = Date of Birth: October 15, 1998, Height: 164 cm LUDA (LUDA) = Date of Birth: March 6, 1997, Height: 156 cm.
Episodes/Anecdotes:・In March 2023, announced the renewal of contracts with Exi, Sora, Bona, Soobin, Eunseo, Yeoreum, Dayon, and Yeonjung. .

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