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  • Hangul: 루커스

LUKUS (Korean: 루커스) is a talent and singer. The genre of music is dance. Average height 184cm! A group of multi-talented members! .
Debuted on July 4, 2014. Zodiac sign: Cancer. 2014 single "So Into U". Representative works: 2014 "Awesome", 2015 "Break"
Ya'. Korean singer "LU:KUS" is a five-member male group with an average height of 184 cm that combines vocal, rap, and dance skills. J.ON from the group "X-5"
It consists of E (Jaywan), Donghyun, Jinwan, Choi (Choi), who has experience as a solo singer, and Kyungjin, a vocal major in the practical music department of the Korea Broadcasting Arts Agency. Guru
The group name 'LU:KUS' means 'Look us' and contains the members' confidence to 'look at us'.
J.ONE = Name: Jeon Hye Won, Date of Birth: June 20, 1991
Date: Height/Weight: 186cm, 73kg Blood type: A Career: X-5 former member Donghyun = Name: Lee Donghyun Date of birth: April 28, 1991 Height/Weight: 1
84cm, 67kg, Blood type: AB, Career: X-5 former member Jinwan = Name: Kim Jinwan, Date of birth: September 7, 1995, Height/Weight: 188cm, 69cm,
Blood type: AB type Career: "X-5" former member Choi (CHOI) = Name: Choi Suk Hoon Date of birth: May 21, 1993 Height/Weight: 183 cm, 65 kg Blood type:
Type A Kyungjin = Name: Min Kyungjin, date of birth: July 11, 1992, height and weight: 181cm, 62kg, blood type: A.
Episode/Anecdote: Changed the group name to "LAU". .