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  • Hangul: 투샤이

2Shai (Korean: 투샤이) is an entertainer and singer. The genre of music is R&B. Hot Topic's R&B duo gained popularity with their extraordinary singing ability and MV.
Debuted in September 2003. 2003 Love Letter. Representative work: 2003 “Love
Letter, 2006, She... Laughed. 2Shai = tu shai. Debut song "Love
Letter” music video featuring FinK.L.’s Song YURI and becoming a Hot Topic.
Name: Baek Woohyun Date of Birth: January 21, 1979 Height/Weight: 174cm, 66kg Hobbies: Ext
reme Sports Name: Cho HONG-KI Date of Birth: October 18, 1981 Height/Weight: 178cm, 64kg Hobbies: Listening to music, drawing manga, playing games, sleeping.