[Official] Byeon WooSeok takes over Sungjae's popularity... Asia fan meeting tour to be held in early June
Actor Byeon WooSeok will be holding his first Asian fan meeting tour. Starting in Taipei, Taiwan in June, Byeon WooSeok will be holding his first Asian fan meeting tour titled "2024 ByeonWooSeok
They will hold the "Asia Fanmeeting Tour" and visit various Asian cities including Bangkok, Thailand, Seoul, and Hong Kong to meet with global fans.
Byeon WooSeok, who announced the news of his first ever Asian Fan Meeting tour, released a poster ahead of the event.
In the poster, Byeon WooSeok exudes a fresh and innocent atmosphere befitting the title, garnering attention from fans.
Recently, Byeon WooSeok has been showing off the beauty of youth by taking on the role of Ryu Seong-jae in tvN's "Run with Seong-jae on Your Back."
With his sensible face and physical appearance, he has perfectly embodied Ryu Sung-jae visually, garnering the attention of viewers. In addition, he has also created a character with delicately crafted thrilling points.
With his passionate acting and sweet chemistry, he has earned the title of "romantic comedy genius" and has created a syndrome-level popularity by creating a "Sungjae craze."
Byeon WooSeok, who has been receiving the most attention since his debut, set aside time for communication at this fan meeting to return the love of his fans and spread the excitement.
In particular, Byeon WooSeok, who held his first fan meeting in Japan last year, plans to fill the stage with an even more diverse lineup this time.
It is expected that fans will be able to experience a unique charm. Meanwhile, details of Byeon WooSeok's first Asian Fan Meeting tour, as well as additional locations and schedules, will be announced on social media in the future.
As shown.
2024/05/08 11:42 KST
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