「TOMORROW X TOGETHER」、「Deja Vu」歌詞の一部を公開…前作とつながった“ストーリーテリング”
Part of the lyrics of “TOMORROW
TOMORROW X TOGETHER has released part of the lyrics of their new song "Deja Vu".
At 0:00 on the 28th, the 6th mini album “minisode” was posted on the team Official SNS.
3: TOMORROW” title song “Deja Vu” has been posted. The projected film-like images have a romantic analog sensibility.
wafting. The snippet, which harmonizes the illustrations reminiscent of previous active songs with the lyrics of “Deja Vu,” is “TOMORROW
TOGETHER” will show you the power of storytelling that has been delicately accumulated up to now.
First of all, the lyrics ``In front of our dusty crown'' remind me of their debut song ``One day a horn grew from my head (CROWN).''
Ru. ``Crown'' is a material that appeared as an important symbol in the debut song. In addition, the lyrics ``Become eternity/Call me'' and ``You and me in the gap between the ruins'' are from the 1st full release.
The title song of Rubum's "Dream Chapter: MAGIC" is "Waiting for you on Platform 9 and 3/4 (Run Away)", the title song of the 2nd mini album "Dream Chapter: ETERNITY" is "Ca"
'n't You See Me?' The new song "Deja Vu" is like a promise we made, you and I will definitely meet again, and the moment of reunion will be like "Deja Vu".
It's a song that he says makes him feel like ``. This song, which conveys sadness and heart-filling at the same time, was created by executive producer Bang Si Hyuk, SLOW RABBIT, and Supreme.
Producer Boi participated in the song work. Meanwhile, 'minisode 3: TOMORROW' will be released at 6 pm on the 1st of next month.
2024/03/28 08:20 KST
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