Actress Park Sin Hye has the strongest visuals even if she can't wink...Korean goddess on a different level
Actress Park Sin Hye has revealed her recent status. Park Sin Hye said on the 27th, ``I can't wink...'' The photos released together include a graphic of the brand that acts as a muse.
It features Park Sin Hye cradling the bouquet of flowers she received as a gift at the beer shoot. Above all, Park Sin Hye said that he can't wink, but his very presence is charming.
) was overflowing, captivating the eyes of the viewers. Meanwhile, Park Sin Hye recently made a comeback in the JTBC TV series ``Doctor Slump''. Also, SBS new TV series “Hell”
He has chosen "The Judge Who Came From" as his next work. ``The Judge from Hell'' is a reality in which Kang Bin-na, a ``devil from hell'' who has entered the body of a judge, is more hell-like than hell, and Han, a detective who is more human than anyone else.
A romance fantasy where good and evil coexist, where he meets Daon and is reborn as a true judge who punishes criminals.

2024/03/27 19:36 KST
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