In South Korea, an unusual development in which the former representatives of the ruling and opposition parties join together in a new party = Will support expand as a ”third pole”?
In South Korea, which will hold a general election in April this year, on the 9th of this month, Lee Jun-seok, former representative of the ruling party ``People's Power'', and former representative of the largest opposition party ``Democratic Party of Korea'', who were former prime ministers of the same party when they were in power, were interviewed. Lee, who served as
- Na Kyung (Lee Nak-yeon) and others announced that they have agreed to form a new party, the Reform Party. Both men launched new parties between last month and this month, but four political groups, including these parties, have
Loops merge. In the run-up to the general election, attention will be focused on whether he will be able to expand his support as a "third party." Joining forces are the ``Reform New Party,'' founded by Lee Jun-seok, and the ``Together Democratic Party,'' including Lee Nak-yon.
``New Future,'' formed by members who left the Democratic Party, ``New Choice,'' led by former National Assembly member Geum Tae-seop, who also left the ``Democratic Party of Japan,'' and Lee WONWOO, who also left the ``Democratic Party of Japan'' party.
“Principles and Common Sense” led by Representative Qu. The name of the new party will be the ``Reform Party,'' which was founded by Lee Jun-seok, and will be co-chaired by Lee Jun-seok and Lee Nak-yon. Lee Nak will be the head of the General Election Committee, which will direct the general election.
Mr. Fuchi will be appointed. One of the members who announced the merger said, ``In the upcoming general election, we decided to carry out a major merger with the belief that we must break away from vested political parties and open up new hopes and a future.''
I want the United New Party to gather votes." A party organizing convention will be held soon. In South Korea, the conflict between the conservative ruling party ``People's Power'' and the main progressive opposition party ``Tomo Democratic Party'' is deepening. The battle of criticism ended
This is an unprecedented development in which people with experience as representatives of the ruling and opposition parties have joined forces as the public's distrust of politics has increased. In June 2021, at the young age of 36 and without any experience as a member of the National Assembly, Mr. Lee Jun-seok said, ``The people's
He became the representative of ``Chikara'' and attracted attention. Immediately after taking office as party president, he declared, ``We will win the presidential election.'' President Yoon Seo-gyeol was the party's official candidate during the presidential election two years ago.
expressed confidence in Lee, saying, ``I would like to entrust full authority over the election campaign to Lee Jun-seok.'' After Yun won the presidential election, Lee became the representative of the ruling party. However, Mr. Lee has a history of receiving sexual entertainment.
In July 2017, the party's Member Ethics Committee suspended Mr. Lee from membership on the grounds that he had not complied with his duty to maintain integrity as a party member, according to internal regulations.
It was decided that the disciplinary action would be a six-month suspension. As a result, Mr. Lee's authority to execute his duties as a party representative was suspended. Mr. Lee appealed the punishment, but was dismissed from the national team. In addition, the Party Central Ethics Committee
later suspended Lee for an additional year because he had repeatedly criticized Yun and the party. Lee's term as party representative expired in June last year, while his membership in the party was suspended. after that,
At the end of last year, Lee announced his resignation from the party and the establishment of a new party. Last month, he launched a new reform party. Lee Nak-yon was appointed as the representative of the then-ruling Democratic Party in August 2020, but the presidential election was held the following year.
In March 2021, just before 2020, he resigned from his position as representative. He was seen to be in full swing preparing to run for president. Although he announced his candidacy in July of the same year, Lee Jae won the primary election to determine the party's candidate.
He lost to Myung (Lee Jae-myung) (current party representative). Mr. Lee Nak-yeon is a former reporter for Dong-A Ilbo, one of South Korea's three largest newspapers, and also served as its Tokyo correspondent during his tenure there. He is fluent in Japanese and is also known as a ``Japanese person''.
. Mr. Lee is a representative of the ``non-(Lee) Jae-Myung-leanings'' who are critical of Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party of Japan, and has criticized the party's management. He left the party last month and just formed a new party, ``New Future,'' on the 4th of this month.
is. Mr. Lee Jun-seok and Mr. Lee Nak-yon, who have recently launched their respective parties, have chosen to combine forces beyond the framework of conservative and progressive parties. Both men enjoy a certain amount of support from conservative and progressive supporters.
, is also well known. The focus going forward is whether the ``Reform Party,'' of which both men are co-chairmen, can serve as a platform for independents and centrists who are dissatisfied with the two major political parties. There is a possibility that it will become the eye of the typhoon in the general election.
It's hidden and attracts attention.
2024/02/13 11:11 KST
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