金正恩氏「韓国は最も害のある第1の “敵対国”」「不変の主敵」=北朝鮮
Kim Jong Un: ``South Korea is the most harmful number one enemy country'' and ``the unchanging main enemy'' = North Korea
North Korean leader Kim Jung Eun has designated South Korea as the country's "number one enemy." According to North Korea's state-run Korean Central News Agency on the 9th, Kim visited the Ministry of Defense on the afternoon of the 8th of this month.
``I define South Korea's puppet gang as the number one enemy nation that will cause the most harm to us wherever we go, and as our unchanging main enemy,'' he said at the ceremony.
He continued, ``The decision to occupy and pacify their territory in the event of an emergency was for the sake of our nation's eternal security.''
This is a natural step for future peace and stability." He also said, ``Because of the rhetorical expression ``of the same race,'' we are South Korean puppets who are plotting the collapse of the republican (North Korean) government and dreaming of absorption and unification.
"He took the lead in dispelling the unrealistic constraints that had forced him to focus on formal dialogue and cooperation with others." General Secretary Kim said, ``Based on the fact that it is clearly a hostile country,
"We are now able to maintain an ultra-strong response posture with stronger military power, with the legality to destroy any movement at any time."
He added, ``Let us remember once again that war is not something that is started by issuing advertisements in advance.
"We must maintain our readiness," he said, "If our enemies try to use force against our country without knowing our true identity, we will make a bold decision that will rewrite history and use our strength without hesitation."
"We will join forces with the enemy and make our enemies dead," he said.
2024/02/09 15:36 KST
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