ASTRO's Cha EUN WOO is ranked #1 among stars you want to study math with on a hot day 2024/08/13 13:35
ASTRO's Cha EUN WOO is ranked #1 among stars you want to study math with on a hot day 2024/08/13 13:35
"ASTRO" Cha EUN WOO, the victory fairy who exudes the aura of a baseball player himself! ... Appeared at the Opening Ceremony (video included) 2024/08/11 23:43
VIDEO Special feature on heatwaves #SBS Entertainment #Summer Special #Running Man #My 2024/08/11 12:40
ASTRO's Cha EUN WOO will participate in the opening ceremony at the LG Twins game in Korea Professional Baseball on the 11th. 2024/08/08 12:10
Actors Lee Je Hoon, Lee DongHwi, Kwak Dong Yeon and ASTRO's Cha EUN WOO will start filming their new variety show "Rented House in Finland" today (8th)... broadcast 2024/08/08 10:19