“Re-debut decision in China” Jessica reveals “SNSD (Girls' Generation)” member bullying in autobiographical novel Hot Topic
Jessica, a former member of the Korean girl group "SNSD (Girls' Generation)" who has decided to re-debut in China, has become a Hot Topic with the content of her autobiographical novel "Bright".

Entertainment reporter former member YouTuber Lee Jinho has released a part of the novel "Bright" on YouTube channel "Lee Jinho".

According to the video, "Bright" describes the main character Rachel Kim's departure from the nine-member group "Girls Forever" after being rejected. In addition, Rachel runs a fashion business in parallel and gets into trouble with some of the members.

In the novel, Rachel is late for practice and gets into an argument after a member points out that "we were never absent or late." In addition, all members except Rachel protested to the management office that "Rachel is obsessed with business" and "I don't want to go to LA concerts with Rachel", and certain members continue to bully Rachel.

The level of detail in these descriptions raises suspicions that they may be Jessica's experiences. Especially since "Bright" is an autobiographical novel, it is perceived as the story of Jessica herself.

In fact, Jessica had a dispute as a member of 'SNSD (Girls' Generation)' after starting the fashion business. Also, when Jessica left the group, she posted on SNS, "The 8 members asked me to choose between quitting 'SNSD (Girls' Generation)' and quitting my business without any justifiable reason."

Regarding this, Lee Jinho pointed out, "The members of 'SNSD (Girls' Generation)' did not say anything about Jessica and protected Jessica, while Jessica attacked the members until the end." continued, "Jessica has been unable to leave 'SNSD (Girls' Generation)' for a long time of 9 years. This is the decisive reason why the Korean fans who supported Jessica until the end turned their backs on her."

On the other hand, Jessica was recently selected as the final second place in the Chinese girl group survival program 'Sisters Who Make Waves 3' and decided to make a re-debut. Among them is Taylor Kwon's former Kano Jillian Chung, who is currently dating, and is attracting even more attention.
2022/08/09 14:59 KST