[Full text] Actor Kim Seon Ho announces his position on "suspicion of forced abortion"
While the suspicion that "actor K", whose private life was controversial in South Korea, was actor Kim Seon Ho, was raised, the management office side was consistently silent, but his agency has been silent for a day since the incident, and he has been investigating the facts.

On the 19th, Kim Seon Ho's management office SALT Entertainment said, "We apologize from the bottom of my heart for not being able to get out of the position early." adding "We are now investigating the facts of the anonymous article."

Meanwhile, on the afternoon of the 17th, an online community posted a post titled "I accuse the dual and brazen entity of popular actor K." Internet user A, who introduced herself as K's former dating partner, said she had been dating since early 2020 last year and forced an abortion, but claimed that his attitude changed suddenly after the abortion.

After that, on the 18th, it became Hot Topic about the identity of "actor K" online, and YouTuber, a former member of the entertainment reporter, revealed in a live broadcast that "actor K is Kim Seon Ho".

Below is the full text of the position of the management office.

Actor Kim Seon Ho's management office SALT entertainment.

We sincerely apologize for not being able to get out of the position early.

We now have the facts of the anonymous article.

The facts have not been clearly confirmed yet, so please wait a little longer.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the bad things.

2021/10/19 14:46 KST