Former Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Takaichi, aiming for the seat of the next prime minister, delusions about Takeshima (Dokdo) "Do not build any more buildings" = South Korean report
Sanae Takaichi, the former Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, who runs for the LDP presidential election to replace Prime Minister Suga, has cast a delusion on Takeshima (Dokdo) that she will not make any more structures, and is attracting attention. Former Minister Takaichi is in a mood to keep delusions because of the rallying of supporters.

The Yomiuri Shimbun reported on the 26th what former Minister Takaichi said at an online round-table conference with the Hyogo Prefectural Assembly held on the 25th.

Despite the fact that the Japanese government has no means to prevent the installation of additional structures on Takeshima, which is effectively controlled by South Korea, such a statement was made ahead of the LDP presidential election on the 29th of this month. It seems that the intention is to mobilize the supporters.

Former Minister Takaichi, who is known to receive the support of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in this presidential election, is said to be a far-right person. She has also made clear her intention to continue worshiping at Yasukuni Shrine, where A-class war criminals of the Pacific War are enshrined even after taking office as prime minister.

On the 24th, former Minister Takaichi replied, "Would you like to visit Yasukuni Shrine if you become prime minister?" At the LDP presidential election online policy debate.

Takaichi announced on the night of the 3rd of this month that she would continue to visit Yasukuni Shrine even if she became prime minister when she appeared on satellite broadcasting and BS Fuji programs. Takaichi has visited Yasukuni Shrine every year on the anniversary of the end of the Pacific War (August 15th) and during the annual spring and autumn festivals.
2021/09/27 21:35 KST