Popular choreographer Bae Yoon-jeong confesses that she gained 6 kg due to fertility treatment ... "I gained 6 kg this month, so maybe 7kg next week."
Popular Korean choreographer Bae Yoon-jeong has confessed that she has gained weight due to fertility treatment.

Bae Yoon-jeong posted a sentence on Instagram on the 23rd, saying, "Last week it was 5kg more, but this week it was 6kg, so next week it will be 7kg."

On the same day, Bae Yoon-jeong posted a sentence and two photos saying, "It's been a while since I've worked. I have to wear denim." An internet user who saw the post on SNS left a comment, "Where did you get fat?", And Bae Yoon-jeong replied "Inside my clothes."

Bae Yoon-jeong married a man 11 years younger last September. The other day, also revealed that she gained 5 kg due to fertility treatment.
2020/10/24 23:30 KST