"SEVENTEEN" side, JUN & THE 8 announced that they will concentrate on activities in China from September to December, during which 11 people will be active in Korea. ..

[Full text of Literal Translation]


Pledis Entertainment.

We would like to inform you about the activities in Japan and overseas in the second half of SEVENTEEN.

We have continued to fully support group activities and member-specific activities. In addition, we have been actively investigating various opportunities for members to participate, making various activity plans, and doing our best so that the artists can show their fans a good appearance.

As part of that, members JUN and THE 8 will concentrate on their activities in China from September to December. I would like to resume the activities in China that had been postponed due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus infection, and spend time with my family in China that I had never met before.

Considering the current situation where there are time and physical restrictions such as difficulty in smooth movement between countries and regions and the need to isolate homes when entering and leaving Japan, JUN discussed with members of SEVENTEEN. And THE 8 will continue to work in China for the time being.

Therefore, during that time, SEVENTEEN will be active in Korea with 11 people, so thank you.

I would like to ask all the fans for their broad understanding. Also, please give us a lot of support and interest in the various activities of SEVENTEEN members that will take place in the second half of the year.

Thank you very much.

2021/09/01 17:36 KST
From SNS